Growing up I put them through a gauntlet of booby traps and endless pranks...oh wait, I guess I'm still growing up because the shock pen last year was freaking awesome! Joking aside, this past year has truly brought us closer. I can tell because nowadays I don't even pull pranks on them that require electricity...I'm just going with jumping out of dark places.
Another thing about growing up....don't play with fire. Fire can burn you, be careful! Something you may not know about me was that I was severely burned on my face when I was in fourth grade. My friends and I made this really cool fireball thing that shot out huge fireballs. Well, it backfired one right into my ugly week in the hospital and no sun for a few years.
Anyway, one of the most poignant childhood memories that I have is how much my sisters cared for me during my imprisonment. They would put on shows for me (I was Crissie's first agent. I discovered her actually.) and just spend time with me. They showed true charity that I'll never forget. I just wanted to give them a shout-out and let them know how much I love them. I'm so proud of all three of them and their accomplishments.