Sad News

Peter Barr passed away yesterday around 4:30pm. Peter's brother, Spencer, is in our Teachers Quorum and his father serves with me in the Young Men's program in M5th Ward. Our hearts and prayers go out to the Barr family. They are such amazing people. We are comforted to know that Peter was surrounded by family during the last moments of his short, but tremendous life.

Here is the journal entry from his web site:

Dearest Friends, Family and Loved Ones,
Peter Galbreath Barr took his last earthly breath at 4:38 this afternoon and passed through the veil into the presence of his Heavenly Father. His family gathered around him for his final moments to express our love, and he is now at peace. Peter now awaits the morning of the Resurrection when his towering spirit will be gloriously reunited with his perfected, glorified, immortal body to never again be separated. His family also now anxiously awaits that wonderful day when we can renew our sweet relationship with this beautiful son of our Heavenly Father. God bless you for all of your prayers and support; we will give you details of his funeral and final resting place shortly.