Daddy Duty

Holly is away visiting her BFF in St. George, UT with little Cali. This was our gift to Holly for her birthday. Aubrey and Ella are here with me while Holly is away. We are surviving and having fun, but the we really miss Cali and Mommy. :o(

I have to admit, it has been a challenge picking out acceptable outfits and doing their hair. Aubrey has been really helpful in the hair department. She has become quite the hairstylist. I'm sure Melissa and Sheri will fill you in Holly on how I did. :o)

Whenever Holly is gone for any length of time we gain a greater appreciation for her. Mothers have such a great responsibility in rearing children. The job is so tough and I don't know how people can do it alone. Anyway, we really miss you Mommy and Cali and we can't wait to see you again!!

Here are some pics of the girls on Saturday at the ward's Primary Water Olympics....